What are your chakras, and where are they?

Chakras are little colored wheels of energy that live along your spine in your aura. There are seven main chakras that we will be working with. The goal is to keep you chakras in balance, when our chakras are out of whack, so is our spiritual health and often our physical health as well. We want to begin honoring the relationship between the soul and body by balancing the chakras. I find chakra balancing and crystals to go hand and hand, so put your crystals to good use! You can release blocks of energy and bring light your soul. You have the power to keep these in check.

Root: Location - Base of the Spine

Mind/Body System: Grounding, relationship with self/Cleansing of body

Blocked energy: Feeling ungrounded, generally unamused by life

Sacral Chakra - Navel/Belly area

Mind/Body System: Governs relationships with others/Lower digestive systems

Blocked energy: Trouble communicating with others, mood swings

Solar Plexus - Right below the diaphragm muscle

Mind/Body System: Sense of self and will power/ Metabolism

Blocked energy: Emotional instability

Heart: Sternum/ Chest area

Mind/Body System: Bridge between highest and lowest self, brings unconditional and divine love/ Circulatory system

Blocked energy: Inability to express emotions

Throat: Vocal chords/ Neck

Mind/Body System: Expressing ones self in an effective manner/Thyroid throat area

Blocks: Communications issues/ Trouble breathing

Third Eye: Slightly above the eyes, lower forehead

Mind/Body System: Pineal Gland/ Psychic Sight

Blocks: Trouble seeing thins for what they are/Migraines

Crown: Top of head

Mind/Body System: Direct connection to the universe / Hormones and immune system/

Blocks: Lack of connection to self/Sense of abandonment from spirit life


How to activate the power of your crystal bath soap.


Crystal Meanings